We believe innovative medical treatments should be accessible to everyone.

Based in Sioux Falls, SD, we are committed to advancing health equity through clinical research and high quality execution of clinical trials as quickly as possible while providing exemplary patient care.

Guided by Values of:

  • Courage

  • Trust

  • Compassion

  • Respect

Who We Are

Lynn Bartholow, CEO/Founder

Having personally witnessed the benefits people have gained from participating in clinical research, I have a profound belief that everyone should have the opportunity to be involved in a clinical trial. Participation can also provide individuals with a sense of empowerment and agency over their own health and wellbeing. I founded Circle Clinical Research because I’ve seen first-hand the impact of clinical research. As a coordinator, a patient in a clinical trial who had diabetes but didn’t know this diagnosis until they had their first visit. The patient told me they didn’t usually go to a doctor and said they had no idea how long this would have gone undiagnosed and were so grateful. This is one of many stories I have witnessed on the impact of clinical trials in people’s lives.

Guided by my core values of courage and trust, I want to create a welcoming, inclusive space for all. I am an enrolled tribal member of the Turtle Mountain Band of Chippewa Indians and believe in the Seven Generation Principle. The Seven Generation Principle is an Indigenous Concept, to think of the 7th generation coming after you in your words, work and actions, and to remember the seventh generation who came before you. Seven generations ago, an Assiniboine woman named Red Nest was born in 1818, my great, great, great, great grandmother. I want to honor and remember her through my work. Based on this seven generation principle, I feel obligated to serve past, present, and future generations. I want to fulfill this obligation by using the skills and knowledge I’ve acquired with my 20+ years of involvement in clinical trials.